At the construction site of bakery realized for INTER-EUROPOL in Marki almost 2,260 prefabricated elements and 360 tons of steel structure have been installed. The roof area is 30,000 m2 and almost 50,450 m2 of material have been used for facades, internal walls and cold storage rooms. Special attention should be paid to solution of installation of gates in reinforced concrete walls REI240 covered on both sides, crossing the freezers. Almost all fire resistance classes of buildings have been used (A-E), as well as various configurations of fire resistance classes of elements (from 30 to 240 minutes). Pekabex was the prime contractor responsible for all structural and building works, in particular foundations, floors, installation of prefabricated and steel structures, external casing, roofing, anti-fire internal walls, delivery of complex reloading systems, realization of freezing and cold storage rooms with substructure and casing, glass facade, windows and doors, realization of all works connected with high storage warehouse (casing, roof, dewatering, foundations) excluding the main steel structure.
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