The Management Board of Poznańska Korporacja Budowlana Pekabex S.A. _ “Issuer” _ hereby announces that today it has concluded with Przedsiębiorstwo Budowlane “Granit” sp. z o.o. (The “Subcontractor”) annex to the works’ contract, which was notified by the Issuer in the current report No. 14/2016 dated March 31, 2016 (the “Agreement”). Pursuant to the annex, the parties to the annex have decided to extend the subject of the Agreement, amend the terms of its implementation, and increase the Subcontractor’s remuneration to the amount of PLN 28,702,182.42 net.
The conclusion of the annex was considered significant because the value of the Agreement after the amendments introduced by the annex exceeds 10% of the consolidated value of the Issuer’s equity and because the circumstances of the Agreement were the subject of a current report.