Ekebäckshöjd Residential Complex in Gothenburg

Ekebäckshöjd Residential Complex in Gothenburg

Despite the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in Europe and reduced market activity in Sweden, we secured the Ekebäckshöjd project in Gothenburg. The contract included the design, production, delivery, and assembly of prefabricated elements. Specifically for this project—requiring quick assembly and the capability to install sewer pipes (“Frogs”)—we expanded the production tables for prestressed elements at our Gdańsk plant to produce slabs up to 2.78 meters wide.

The general contractor is Skanska Sverige AB, and the investor is Stena Fastigheter. The investment encompasses a total of 361 apartments across an area of 38,000 square meters, in buildings ranging from six to eleven stories high.

2560 1707 Pekabex - budownictwo prefabrykowane
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