The Management Board of Poznańska Korporacja Budowlana Pekabex S.A. _ “Issuer” _ hereby announces that today it has concluded with Warszawski Rolno-Spożywczy Rynek Hurtowy S.A. with seat in Bronisze (“the Contracting Party”) a contract for construction of a Trade and Logistics Hall with infrastructure, the subject of which is comprehensive construction of a hall, access roads and maneuvering areas, development of the Ożarowski Canal in accordance with the project of building a “Trade and Logistic Hall” located in the area of Warszawski Rolno – Spożywczy Rynek Hurtowy S.A. in Bronisze at Poznańska St., 98, commune of Ożarów Mazowiecki with all arrangements, preparation of as-built documentation and preparation of documents enabling the registration of the building for use in the area of WR-SRH S.A with its registered office in Bronisze at Poznańska St., 98 (“Agreement”).
For the performance of works being the subject of the Agreement and for all materials and means of production provided by Pekabex Bet S.A., and necessary for the proper performance of the subject of the Agreement and for the preparation of as-built documentation and other acceptance documentation for Pekabex Bet S.A. will receive remuneration in the amount of PLN 42 814 357.95 net (in words: forty two million eight hundred fourteen thousand three hundred fifty seven zlotys 95/100), increased by VAT due.
The subject of the Agreement will be executed within 44 weeks from the protocol date, transfer of the construction site.